Attention Financial Professional...

“If You Act Now, A Free Breakthrough Assessment Will Show You How To Create a Well-Oiled Annuity Sales Machine Transforming Your Business Into a Part-Time, Million-Dollar Practice”

A Free Breakthrough Assessment Will Show You How Your Business Compares to a Part-Time, Million-Dollar Practice.  (To get this assessment for free, you must request it within 30 days.  Read on for details.)   

Building a Part-Time, Million-Dollar Financial Services Business Can Be As Easy As Following a Recipe.  This Breakthrough Assessment Will Analyze Your Business and Then Provide You with Your Own, Step-By-Step, Customized Action Plan to Allow You to Quickly Transform Your Business Into a Part-Time Million-Dollar Financial Services Business.

          What if fantasy could be reality?

          What if you could meet with clients and prospective clients just ten hours each week and only on the two days that you choose and generate well-over seven figures each year in commissions for your exceedingly modest time investment? 

          That IS my reality, and I’m about to reveal to you how to make it your reality too.  And I’m going to do this absolutely free.  (I’ll tell you why I’m willing to do such a seemingly crazy thing in a moment.)

          This can be your reality just like it’s mine.

          Within a matter of mere months, it’s easy to transform your business into a fixed-index annuity production juggernaut, with interested, eager, and qualified clients asking to meet with you as predictably as the sun rises each day.

          I don’t expect you to believe a word of this.  That’s why I’ve included irrefutable proof that every word in this letter is true beyond any doubt.  

          And I’m willing to prove it to you, free and with ZERO obligation, by giving you a free breakthrough assessment if you request it within 30 days.

          The breakthrough assessment will show you the simple steps that you can take to make over your current financial services business and quickly become a part-time, million-dollar plus fixed-index annuity production machine.

          Just so you know that everything I’m telling you is true, I’ve included a partial list of my fixed index and multi-year guarantee annuity production.  Keep in mind this list is a partial list, including only production from my primary fixed index annuity company and my go-to multi-year guarantee annuity carrier.  (I wrote business with other carriers as well).

          Here is what you are about to discover when you request the breakthrough assessment within 30 days:

-How to get out of the traditional financial services business and into the Revenue Sourcing™ business.  I invented the Revenue Sourcing™ business to ‘connect the dots’ about the current economy and investing climate.  Once you get out of the traditional financial services business and into the Revenue Sourcing™ business, you’ll set yourself apart from the competition and become the only logical choice for retirement planning in your market.  You will literally have qualified, prospective clients lined up asking you to sell them a fixed index annuity.

-How to use the totally scripted “Revenue Sourcing” planning process to move a prospective client to a revenue-generating client who asks you to sell them a fixed index annuity.  This planning process is perfectly choreographed, expertly designed, and thoroughly tested and proven, allowing any financial professional who uses it to sell more fixed index annuities than they ever dreamed possible

-How the Revenue Sourcing™ planning process automatically gives any financial professional who uses it celebrity authority and trusted advisor status allowing that financial professional to effortlessly attract high-quality, motivated, enthusiastic prospective clients who will ask to buy an annuity.

-How to turn your existing clients into evangelical advocates for you and your services.  I’ve developed an automated referral system that reliably generates annuity referrals each month.

          My name is Dennis Tubbergen.

          I began in the financial industry in the 1980s’ selling Medicare Supplements and final expense life insurance.

          To be blunt, in those early days, I struggled horribly.  There were times that I would have to return empty soda and beer cans to put gas in my car to go out and try to make money.  And making money was a lot harder than it should have been given the terrible sales advice I was given by the sales manager at the insurance company at which I began my financial career.

          You’re undoubtedly familiar with the kind of advice I got.  â€œFind a need and fill it” was one bit of sales advice I got along with my “Project 100” which was a book in which I was to list the 100 people in the world that I knew best so I could approach them to ask them to buy insurance from me.

          I was taught to ask for referrals by telling a new client that “I get paid two ways – once when I sell you a policy and again when you introduce me to someone you know who may be able to use my services.”

          These are just a few examples of bad business and sales advice.

          There are many more.

          All of these ‘advice tidbits’ that I got from my first sales manager resemble the same sales advice being offered by “industry experts” today.  All this advice has one thing in common – the financial professional pursues clients.  The sales strategy was to chase these prospective clients down and then wear them down until they bought.

          Terrible advice and a miserable way to do business.

          Here is an eternal truth – when you pursue clients, you are positioned as a salesperson in the minds of your prospects.

          That is exactly the wrong positioning; you simply cannot make a bigger mistake.

          The reality is that people avoid salespeople at nearly any cost while seeking out trusted advisors to ask for their help.

          If you want to get your annuity business to the next level (more than seven figures per year in earnings while working on a very part-time basis), have fun in your business, and get a high level of respect from your clients, you need to be positioned as a trusted advisor with celebrity authority.  

          It is that positioning that has clients pursuing you rather than you pursuing clients.  It is that positioning that makes business fun again and makes you a respected, sought-after professional.

          That is the positioning that the Revenue Sourcing business gives you.

          It took me a long time to figure this principle out.  And even longer to implement it perfectly.

          I moved from selling Medicare Supplements and final expense life insurance to offering annuities to clients when I realized that kind of business paid a lot better than the Medicare Supplement and final expense business.

          I did reasonably well for myself financially by offering annuities as tax-advantaged CD alternatives.  It was this evolution in my business that got me to more than 6 figures in earnings.  But I was still chasing clients rather than magnetically attracting them.  I would buy CD alternative leads and then chase down the prospective clients to attempt to sell them an annuity.

          It was absolutely horrible work.

          Eventually, through extensive trial and error, I developed automatic client attraction strategies that had affluent, highly-qualified, raring-to-go clients calling me to ask me for my help.

          Then, along came the pandemic and draconian lockdowns which forced me to reinvent my client attraction strategies and my planning process.

          That brings me to where I am today, using the Revenue Sourcing planning process and automated client attraction strategies to produce an average of $1,249,049.77 per month in new annuity premium while working with clients just 10 hours each week.

          In today’s crazy economy, these client attraction strategies, when combined with the scripted Revenue Sourcing planning process, work better than ever to attract clients who ask to buy an annuity.

          I know this might sound like hype, but it’s not.

          This is the reality that I have created for myself, and it can be your reality too.

          Before I get into the actual process that makes it easy to sell fixed index annuities, let me show you my production from January 1, 2022, through February 1, 2023 (13 months) while using the Revenue Sourcing planning process.

          Keep in mind that I produced this business with just one assistant.  I met with each of these clients one-on-one personally, and each of these clients asked to buy a fixed index annuity from me.

          Unlike other big producers who use sub-agents and ‘team members’ to produce fixed index annuity business, I meet with every client personally.  The production that I am about to document for you is personal production.  I met with every client nose-to-nose.

          I meet with clients only 10 hours each week.  My office hours are 3 PM to 6 PM on Mondays and 12 PM to 7 PM on Tuesdays.  All these annuity clients came to my office to see me during these hours.  If a client wants to see me outside these hours or wants me to travel to see them, I don’t do it.

          I run my business; I don’t allow my business to run me.

          Here is my production over the 13 months from January 1, 2022, through February 1, 2023.  You’ll notice that some initials repeat.  That’s because clients often have some assets in a Roth and a traditional IRA.  In those cases, two annuities may have been used.  In other cases, annuity contracts were issued on both spouses.  The number of annuities listed here is far more than the households represented.

Issue Date
Annuity Amount































































































TOTAL 1/1/2022 - 2/1/2023$16,237,647

          My business has other profit centers as well that added to my bottom line; this is just my annuity production for 13 months while working just ten hours each week with clients.

          There are 94 annuity contracts issued over this 13-month time frame.  That’s an average annuity contract size of almost $173,000. 

          As I noted above, many households buy multiple annuity contracts due to having assets in Roth IRA’s, traditional IRA’s, and in non-qualified accounts, so the number of households that I worked with was far less.  I typically work with 5-6 new clients each month, making my lifestyle business extremely pleasant.

         Just so you know beyond any doubt that the production I’ve listed above is absolutely true and accurate, copies of my commission statements are available for you to review by clicking on the link above.

          In addition to the commissions listed on the commission statements, I also earned a marketing credit of .75% that was paid to me over and above the commissions reported on the statements enclosed.

          With this level of annuity production, it’s easy to negotiate for a marketing credit in addition to the top commission contract offered by an insurance company.  On my production of more than $16 million, I earned a marketing credit of more than $10,000 each month in addition to the commissions paid to me that are disclosed to you on the enclosed commission statements.

          I can show you how to get a marketing credit too.

          You’ll see all the details and get step-by-step instructions when you request the breakthrough assessment at no cost or obligation to you within 30 days.

          Before I tell you how to get your hands on the breakthrough assessment, without a doubt the most powerful business-building blueprint you’ve ever encountered, let me share with you the engine that effortlessly powers my monster production.

          You are no doubt familiar with the most powerful sales formula in the world - “problem, agitate, solve”.

          It works like this.  You zero in on a problem that your prospective client has, you then agitate the problem, and then you solve the problem.

          There is no shortage of problems affecting aspiring retirees today.  The current economy is unlike anything anyone alive has ever witnessed.

          Ever since 1971 when the US Dollar became a fiat currency, all new US Dollars have been loaned into existence.  It was on August 15, 1971, that President Richard Nixon eliminated the link between the US Dollar and gold.  Prior to that date US Dollars could be redeemed for gold at a rate of $35 per ounce.

          Ever since 1971, when US Dollars became debt (rather than redeemable for gold which made the US Dollar an asset), the economy and the investing markets have experienced a series of boom-and-bust cycles with each bust more severe than the prior bust.

          In 2008, after the bust at the time of the Great Financial Crisis, the Federal Reserve attempted to reflate the bubble by reducing interest rates (to zero) just like they had previously.  Only this time it didn’t work.

          Even at zero percent interest, there was not enough lending activity to create more currency.


          The United States and the world was already saturated with debt.  Worldwide debt totaled about $100 trillion at the time.

          Since new currency wasn’t being loaned into existence, the Federal Reserve, the central bank of the United States, and other world central banks began to engage in ‘quantitative easing’ or currency creation from thin air.

          Currency creation began at the time of the financial crisis, and it intensified in 2020 with the pandemic.  As a result, the worldwide debt problem has only gotten worse.

          Much worse.

          Worldwide debt is now $300 trillion, and inflation is raging as a result of all this currency creation.

          There is no shortage of headlines that report on inflation and these monster levels of debt, which will eventually result in a severely deflationary time frame like the 1930’s.

          Once prospective clients are made aware of this problem and current headlines are used to agitate the problem, clients actively seek a solution to protect themselves and their dreams of a comfortable, stress-free retirement.

          When you request the free breakthrough assessment, you’ll see exactly how, in just minutes a week, I capture headlines that I use in my automatic client attraction system to get highly-qualified, extremely motivated, prospective clients to call me.

          The reality is that the economic and investing path on which we now find ourselves is totally and completely predictable.  Today’s politicians and policymakers are not the first to attempt to ‘paper over’ an unsolvable debt problem by creating currency.  Policymakers and politicians in many countries at many different times historically have made the same economic policy mistake.

          Each time, the consequences have been, very predictably, the same. 

          First, as currency is created from thin air to mask the consequences of debt, inflation emerges.

          Then, after a period of time, the inflation gives way to a painful deflationary reset like the world experienced during the Great Depression of the 1930’s.

          Where we go from here is not a mystery – it is a certainty.  We are only debating the ‘when’

          One of the founding fathers, Thomas Jefferson, warned us about where we now find ourselves.  He said, “if the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the very continent their fathers conquered.”

          My business model is simple and easily cloned. I just educate clients about this reality and then provides them real, viable solutions with one of the obvious solutions being the right kind of annuity to protect them from the coming deflationary fallout.

          The reason I produce so much annuity premium in so little time is that I provide a tremendous amount of value for prospective clients.  That is the secret to earning monster commissions in a short time frame – add immense value to the client’s individual financial situation.

          Here is what you’ll discover when you preview the Revenue Sourcing annuity sales system at no risk to you:

1.  The three ‘marketing hooks’ built into the Revenue Sourcing annuity sales system. A marketing hook is a value-added, compelling offer that magnetically attracts eager, highly-qualified prospective clients to you.  During the COVID lockdowns in Michigan, where I do business, I extensively tested many different marketing hooks until I discovered the perfect combination of ‘hooks’ that automatically attract perfectly-suited clients to me.  Adding these proven marketing hooks to your business will immediately boost your income by getting you more qualified clients almost effortlessly.

2.  How to incorporate three Social Security tax reduction strategies to your planning process.  If you want to attract qualified, affluent clients to you, show them how to legally reduce their taxes.  I attract one of three new annuity clients to me by using these very motivating planning techniques.  Once you add them to your business, you’ll be totally amazed at how well they work to attract the right kind of prospective clients to you.

3.  How to tear apart a client’s existing portfolio choices and make them wonder how they could have ever thought their current allocation elections were a good idea.  The simple, one-page report that you’ll see when you preview the Revenue Sourcing annuity sales system does all the work for you and can be quickly and easily prepared for use with your qualified prospective clients.  This little ‘one-pager’ will do a lot of heavy lifting for you when it comes to getting a prospective client to ask you to sell them a fixed-index annuity.

4.  What questions to ask your prospective clients to ‘gather intelligence’ about them.  One of my early sales mentors told me that a client will tell you everything that you need to know in order to sell them if you’ll just take the time to add value to their situation and show interest by asking questions about them.  Over the years, I have developed, refined, and then perfectly scripted the questions that I ask clients to produce the simply incredible results that it now produces.

5.  How to use the Revenue Sourcing income mapping process to set up the fixed index annuity sale every time you use it.  The Revenue Sourcing income mapping process does something extremely important, even vital.  It connects the dots about retirement income in the minds of your prospective clients.  The reality is that every client with whom you work has incredible apprehension about retiring.  They wonder if they will have enough money to retire comfortably and are concerned about running out of money during retirement.  The Revenue Sourcing income mapping process answers these concerns for a prospective client.    

6.  How to use my proprietary “Managed Risk” presentation to sell a fixed index annuity. This presentation is a one-page handout that flawlessly lays the groundwork for the fixed-index annuity sale.  Once you discover this presentation, your annuity production will instantly be rocketed to the next level.  If I do say so myself, this presentation, used in conjunction with the Revenue Sourcing income mapping process, provides the lethal one-two punch that is missing from nearly any other annuity production business.  These two tools will get you more annuity business instantly.

7.  How to use a perfectly designed series of meetings to move a prospective client to a revenue-generating client who asks to buy a fixed index annuity from you.  This series of meetings culminates with an implementation meeting during which a prospective client asks to buy a fixed index annuity from you.  When you request the breakthrough assessment (free within 30 days), you will see:

         -how the vitally important and easy-to-present transition presentation is used            to move to a fixed index annuity sale

        -how to use current stats found on “Yahoo Finance” to seal the fixed index                  annuity deal

8.  How I added a profit center to my part-time, million-dollar financial services business that produced additional profits of $331,808 from January 1, 2022 to February 1, 2023 IN ADDITION TO the annuity commissions generated by the Revenue Sourcing annuity sale system.  This profit center can be added to any financial services business immediately and instantly begin producing profits.  Once you see this profit center, you’ll probably quickly realize that you’re likely sitting on more than six-figures of hidden equity in your business.

9.  How to use my automated annuity referral system in your business.  Each month, using this system, I generate more than 40 new, prospective client referrals AUTOMATICALLY.  These automated referrals predictably and reliably generate new client interviews month after month with zero time expenditure or manual labor on my part.  This system is literally ‘plug and play’ for any financial professional that wants to duplicate my referral production.

10.  How to use an age 59 ½ automated client attraction strategy to capture 401(k) and 403(b) investment assets.  As you are aware, at age 59 ½ 401(k) and many 403(b) plan participants have the option to do an in-service distribution, rolling those plan assets to an IRA.  Those assets can then be used in the Revenue Sourcing annuity sales system to sell your new client a fixed index annuity.

11.  How to incorporate an annuity birthday marketing strategy that consistently produces new annuity clients.  This Revenue Sourcing annuity sales strategy will introduce you to qualified prospective clients each month who are excited to meet you and talk to you about what you do.

12.  How to plug into the biggest annuity sales system marketing strategy that I use.  This strategy alone is responsible for more than $50,000 in new revenue in my business each and every month.  It is easily the best and most productive thing that I do in my business to meet enthusiastic, eager prospective clients.

          The breakthrough assessment will reveal to you step-by-step what activities you need to add to your business to reach part-time, million-dollar status.    

          You might find it interesting that the differences between a million-dollar producer and a $100,000 producer are small.

          When you plug into my Revenue Sourcing annuity sales system, you’ll get EVERYTHING that I use in my business to allow you to duplicate my results.  You’ll get client handouts, illustration templates, and full training on every aspect of this unparalleled annuity production system.

          But, as I stated above, don’t decide if this is for you yet.  Preview the system before you decide if it makes sense for your business.

          I would liken it to the stroke per round average of the top money winner on the PGA tour and the pro-golfer that finishes last on the money list.  The stroke-per-round difference is about one!

          That means that the scoring average of the top money winner on the PGA Tour and the golfer who finishes last on the money list is about one stroke from being the same!

          My point is this – the breakthrough assessment custom prepared for you will likely show that you need to make only small changes to get big results.

          The late, W. Clement Stone, founder of insurance behemoth Combined, put it this way, “little hinges swing big doors”.

          That brings me to a question that you undoubtedly have about this free, breakthrough assessment – why on earth would I give you all this information free and with no further obligation?

          For two reasons.

          One, I truly believe that many aspiring retirees are about to see their dreams of a comfortable, stress-free retirement evaporate like a cool mist on a hot summer day all because they chose to follow “Wall Street” only advice, subjecting their nest eggs to unnecessary market risk.  If I can help financial professionals get more of their retirement savings into safe investments, I’m doing a great service.

          Two, my company, Rocket Production Systems, offers coaching programs and marketing programs to financial professionals.  Let me be perfectly clear – many financial professionals who take advantage of the free breakthrough analysis WILL NOT be good candidates to plug into these programs.  While the breakthrough assessment will give all professionals step-by-step instructions as to how to get their businesses to the next level of production, it will also let my team know if a financial professional could benefit from plugging into our programs, which can be free for qualifying financial services professionals.

          To get your free breakthrough assessment, you need to request it within 30 days.  Once 30 days have passed, your opportunity to get this free assessment will disappear forever.

          These breakthrough assessments are labor intensive, and I cannot offer them to an unlimited number of financial services professionals for free.  I offer a limited number each month and strictly enforce the 30-day expiration time.

          To schedule your free breakthrough assessment, call our office at 1-888-515-8078. The assessment survey asks questions about your existing business.  

          I look forward to helping you achieve part-time, million-dollar producer status.


Dennis Tubbergen

P.S.  There is ZERO cost for the breakthrough assessment, but you must request it within 30 days.  This expiration date is strictly enforced.  Click on the button below to get the process started.

P.S.S. - There is no shortage of so-called production experts who claim to have the answers to monster annuity production, but most of them haven’t done it themselves. I’ve included unequivocal proof that I am doing seven figures in commissions while working part-time.  Why not see how to do the same in your business. Call now to schedule your Breakthrough Business Assessment at 1-888-515-8078.

Copyright Š 2024 Rocket Production Systems

961 Four Mile Rd., NW

Grand Rapids, MI 49544

[email protected]

(866) 921-3622